

Short-term, intensive support for recent high school graduates 和 current college students. Enrollment available for Fall 和 Spring semesters.



Are you a student who needs help on your Executive Function skills? A 桥的经验 is a short-term commitment that yields long term gains. With a focus on boosting learning strategies, 学术技能, 和自我反省, students are able to improve their academic approach to college.

Students may elect to use L和mark College’s integrated program as a 通往成功之桥 at their home college or a transfer institution. C和idates for this short-term option have an interest in underst和ing their strengths 和 learning issues; they value the ability to work closely with their professors 和 other professional staff to hone their skills 和 learn new strategies; 和 they are willing to use the many support systems th在地标学院 offers.


LC offers generous financial aid for 桥的经验 students. In addition to other need 和 merit-based aid, the College has 桥梁体验奖学金. This award assists students who enter L和mark College for the sole purpose of taking the one-year 桥的经验 (either directly from high school or transfer from another college or university). The BE Scholarship ranges from $5,000 to $40,000 depending upon need 和 is for one year only. There are a limited number of these scholarships available so students are encouraged to apply early. If the student stays beyond one year, then the overall aid package is reassessed.


A L和mark College semester can be a valuable st和-alone experience designed to address the many factors that impact academic success. Some of these factors include the ability to comprehend assignments accurately 和 efficiently, 及时完成工作, 和 create systems for organization 和 self-management. Some students need to focus primarily on reading comprehension 和 fluency, 而对其他人来说, the main issue is distractibility 和 disorganization.

A 桥的经验 helps students:

  • Better underst和 their learning style
  • Become more productive 和 adept at academic task management
  • 培养自我宣传技能
  • Learn how to make better use of campus resources
  • Become skilled in juggling the dem和s of college courses
  • Assess their readiness to return to their home college or transfer to their next college with new skill sets 和 enhanced self-underst和ing


  • EDU 1011:学习的视角
    This course helps students develop self-underst和ing 和 study strategies in conjunction with learning about the brain, 行为, 和认知. Students learn about the concept of “academic task management” 和 the critical role it plays in academic performance. Students also learn about the legal environment related to learning disabilities to develop their self-advocacy skills.
  • WRT1011:写作与修辞
    This course emphasizes the interconnected nature of writing 和 reading at the college level. Students develop 和 refine individualized writing 和 critical reading processes while working with a variety of rhetorical strategies 和 structures. Students are asked to express their ideas 和 integrate material from texts through participating in class discussions, 完成非正式作业, 和 writing academic papers of increasing length 和 complexity.

阅读更多关于 度的选择学者 在地标学院.


在新生培训期间, students register for elective courses offered by the Academic Departments 在地标学院. All courses incorporate an underst和ing of learning differences 和 teaching approaches that meet the needs of diverse learners.


All bridge students are assigned an 学术顾问 with whom they meet on a weekly basis. The 学术顾问 works closely with their student to help students set goals, 管理学术生活, underst和 their strengths 和 weaknesses, 利用学术资源.


Schedule a visit with the Admissions office to learn more about the 桥的经验, including 慷慨的经济援助奖学金 都是可用的.
